After creating RWC instance you can call inner methods or subscribe to RWC events

# Example

var app = new RWC_Sidebar({...})

app.on('message', function (message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

app.sendGlobalCommand({name, data})

After that you will be able to call SDK methods:

  • on
  • off
  • emit
  • sendGlobalCommand
  • sendMessage

# sendMessage method

Allows to send message programmatically. Example:

const btn = document.querySelector('#btn')

btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    message: 'my message'

# on method

Listen for an event and executes callback function.

# Event names

  • message
  • send-message
  • send-event
  • start-session
  • session-end
  • toggle-chat-window

# Arguments

  • {string} eventName - name of the event, see above list of all events
  • {Function} callback - Function that will be executed after event is fired

# message event

Listen for a message from a bot and executes callback function. The callback will receive incoming message object.

# Example

app.on('message', function (message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

# Callback function params

Callback function recieves message parameter which is an object with message data.


Param name can be different than message, this name is used only for demo purpose.


Note that different steps has different message structures.

# Request Response (RWC) message structure:

  id: '', // message ID
  components: Array, // message components
  stepId: '', // step ID that sent this message
  time: 1622207001083, // message time
  useCustomAnswer: true / false, // whether to use custom user answer function
  userAnswerFunction: Function // function that returns message that will be used as user reply to this message
  userAnswerFunctionParams: {} // params that will be passed to `userAnswerFunction`
  isSuggestionInput: true / false, // whether text input has predefined answers
  suggestionsType: 'emty' / 'list' / 'dynamic', // if step has manual user response defined its type

# Send Message (RWC) message structure:

  id: '', // message ID
  components: Array, // message components
  stepId: '', // step ID that sent this message
  time: 1622207001083, // message time

# Request Web Form Response (RWC) message structure:

  id: '', // message ID
  components: Array, // message components
  time: 1622207001083, // message time

# send-message event

Fires when user replies to bot. The callback will receive user answer.

# Example

app.on('send-message', function (reply) {
  console.log('your reply ->', reply)

# Callback function params


Note that each component has its unique reply structure.

The structure of the reply will be the same as output except manual user reply.

# Manual user answer reply structure

  answerType: 'text-leg',
  message: '',
  userReply: '',
  userText: ''

# send-event event


# session-start event

Fires when user starts new conversation with a bot.

# Example

app.on('session-start', function (session) {
  console.log('new conversation ->', session)

# Callback function params

  sessionId: '' // currrent session id

# session-end event

Fires when conversation with a bot is ended.

# Example

app.on('session-end', function (session) {
  console.log('conversation ended ->', session)

# Callback function params

  sessionId: '' // currrent session id that was ended

# toggle-chat-window event

Fires when user toggles embedded chat

# Example

app.on('toggle-chat-window', function (state) {
  console.log('embedded chat open state ->', state)

# Callback function params

  isOpen: true / false // true = open | false = closed

# off method

Removes custom event listener(s).

# Arguments

  • {string} eventName
  • {Function} callback

# Example

function handleIncomingMessage(message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

// Set event listener
app.on('message', handleIncomingMessage);

// remove event listener
app.off('message', handleIncomingMessage);


When removing event listener provide the same function refference that was used when adding event listener.

# This code will not remove event listener

app.on('message', function (message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

app.off('message', function (message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

More information about this can be found here (opens new window)

# emit method

Allows to emit custom events.

  • {string} eventName
  • {any} payload

# Example

app.emit('custom-event', { payload: [1,2,3] });

After emmiting this event we can subscribe to it using on method

# Example

app.on('custom-event', function (data) { console.log('data ->', data) });

# sendGlobalCommand method

Send global command.

# Arguments

  • {string} name
  • {any} data

# Code example

  name: '', //global command name
  data: {}  // data that will be passed to flow, can be any type

# Example

# HTML page

HTML page with button that will trigger global command.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <script src="https://chat.staging.onereach.ai/lib/richWebChat.umd.min.js"></script>-->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://chat.staging.onereach.ai/lib/richWebChat.css" />
<div id="rwc"></div>

<button id="btn">trigger global command</button>

  // function that will trigger SDK `sendGlobalCommand` method
  function onClick() {
    app.sendGlobalCommand({ name: 'help' });

  const btn = document.getElementById('btn');

  // set listener to button to trigger `onClick` function
  btn.addEventListener('click', onClick)


Note that HTML page example version does not have chat setup settings and neccessary tags in <head> section.

# Steps configuration

Wait for Chat Process Global Command
Wait for chat configuration Process global command configuration

Process global command configuration

After click on button SDK will trigger global command and send message to the chat.

# Passing custom data when triggering global command

sendGlobalCommand method in SDK has data parameter that allows to provide any data that will be passed to Process Global Command (RWC) step merge field.

# Example

  name: 'globalComamndName',
  data: { someData: 'some text' }

// or

  name: 'globalComamndName',
  data: 'just text'

# End session in embed chat from Custom Request Response or inner SDK

To end current session and close embed chat:

# Example


// or in Custom Template


# Accessing SDK in JavaScript fields

When writing JavaScript code in Custom template input component or customizing header/footer you can access SDK via RWC global JavaScript variable.

# Example:

// some JS logic
// ...

RWC.on('message', function (message) {
  console.log('new message ->', message)

// ...
Last Updated: 9/1/2023, 2:00:19 PM